It’s exciting and wonderful to live, study or work in a foreign country as a foreigner for a few years. However the longer you stay, the more challenging you might confront with. You maybe experience stress, loneliness, anxiety, depression, cultural misunderstanding or other emotional difficulties that impact your mental health and overall well-being.
In addition to these challenges, you may also encounter self-development or career-related obstacles such as burnout, as well as relationship problems and issues with trust. These difficulties can all benefit from the assistance of a professional, you don’t have to do it alone!
With my 19-year living abroad life experience (first studied, and now work and live in NL), I totally understand the unique challenges that come with living and working in a new country. I would love to gain mutual trust and stand next to you looking at your challenging situation together and support you in a way you need most to solve the problems, further to achieve a truly inner-peace with yourself, others and the world.
So if you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or struggling with your mental health, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I am here to help you navigate the challenges of student/expat life and support you in achieving greater emotional and mental well-being.

Transpersonal Therapy
Transpersonal therapy is a body-oriented and experiential therapy. What is currently happening in your life is usually influenced by your past experiences. Back then, for various reasons (survival or avoiding feeling pain), you couldn’t do anything else. However, through therapy, by expressing the emotions of the past, you free yourself from the blockage that was there and your original energy begins to flow again. Often, this leads to a new feeling, a clear insight, and a change in your behavior. When you have truly experienced something (in your body and with feeling), something very different happens than when you just talk and think about it. The behavioral change or insight then comes from a deeper level of awareness and is therefore more likely to be lasting.
Transpersonal therapy also means that I listen to you without judgment and with respect and use my trained eye and ear to support you and get to where it really feels right for you.
In therapy, I use techniques from psychology, gestalt, systemic work, bioenergetics, psychosynthesis, mindfulness, meditation, visualizations, and body-oriented techniques, among others.
Transpersonal therapy may be suitable for people who want to have more/better connection with themselves and others and who are interested in personal development.
“No pain, no gain.” Therapy is hard work at first. It requires commitment and perseverance. Afterwards, you grow to experience a sense of space and wholeness within yourself.
Approach and Method
After the intake, a treatment agreement is signed (this is legally required) and we create a treatment plan and schedule appointments for follow-up sessions. After approximately 6 sessions, there will be a midterm evaluation, and at the end of the treatment, there will be a final evaluation. After each session, you will create a summary and email it to me.
If you believe you have been guided carelessly or incorrectly, you can file a complaint. It’s important that you first try to discuss and resolve the complaint with me. You can also involve the NFG confidential counsellor in this process. If the complaint cannot be resolved, you can file a complaint.
Every professional healthcare provider is responsible for complying with the Wkkgz regulations. I have chosen to handle complaints through the NFG. Through the NFG, I am affiliated with Quasir. For contact information for the complaints officer or confidential counsellor, please contact the NFG secretariat at info@de-nfg.nl.
About me
My name is Minqin Wang. I was born in China (1982) and I came to the Netherlands at the age of 22 to further pursue my studies (in business) and explore this world out of curiosity. After graduation I managed to work in the corporate world and in government organizations in the Netherlands. During this time, I realized that I was very interested in people and how they behave and develop themselves. In 2014, I started to explore and study transpersonal therapy at the Boswijk Institute. In the meantime, I got married and have two daughters. Our second daughter was born with congenital abnormalities (Prader-Willi Syndrome). As a non-local living in the Netherlands, far away from the family, friends and familiar environment, it is a big event in my life. With everything I have learned and experienced in the past years, I have luckily felt what unconditional love is. It’s a tough but also amazing process and experience. I would love to share it with you and listen to what’s not going well in your life compared to what you expected, and would love to offer you my support and insights.
In addition, as a non-Dutch living almost 20 years in the Netherlands, I have experienced different phases: honeymoon period with NL, struggling between home country and the Netherlands in terms of my roots, self identity and sense of belonging. If you are reading this part, you probably understand what I mean.
Living in a foreign country can be an amazing experience, but it can also be very challenging. Being far from your familiar surroundings, loved ones, and daily routines can be stressful and overwhelming. It’s normal to experience feelings of loneliness, homesickness, and anxiety. However if these feelings take majority of your daily life and cause your mental and physical health, such as fatigue, depressed, a sense of urgency or agitation, worried, sleep problems, feelings of emptiness; or it has influences your interaction with yourself and others. It is time to take action and search for support. This time you don’t have to do it alone anymore!
I think it’s wonderful to be able to contribute to someone who is on their path of learning and self-awareness and I admire their inner growth. How beautiful that is!
I was trained as a transpersonal therapist at the Boswijk Institute. I am a certified, registered member of RBCZ, NFG.

Practical Information
Orientation introduction (20 minutes): Free of charge (online/Telephone)
Individual session: 60 min. € 85
Relationship:90 min. € 125
You can cancel/reschedule an appointment free of charge up to 24 hours before the session by sending an email to info@minqinwang.nl, after which the full rate applies.
You are welcome to visit me in my practice or for an online session. If you have any further questions, you can always contact me. If you would like to make an appointment, you can reach me via the contact page, email, or phone. I look forward to hearing from you.
Transpersonal therapy falls under psychosocial therapy for insurance purposes. Depending on your supplementary insurance, psychosocial therapy is partially reimbursed. I am a member of the professional association NFG.
It is important that you check with your insurance company what is and isn’t covered.
If possible, I recommend that you have the information provided confirmed in writing.
ZorgWijzer.nl has an overview page of reimbursements for psychosocial therapy per insurer.
Click here for the relevant website.
As your therapist, it is my responsibility to keep a record in order to provide you with proper treatment and to comply with the legal obligations of the WGBO. This record contains information about your health condition, the tests and treatments that have been performed. Sometimes it may be necessary to collect information from other healthcare providers, but only with your explicit permission.
We do our best to protect your privacy by handling your personal and medical information carefully and ensuring that unauthorized persons do not have access to your record. As your therapist, I have a legal duty of confidentiality and am the only one who has access to your record.
The information in your record may also be used to inform other healthcare providers, for example, when therapy is completed or when referring to another practitioner. This will only happen with your explicit permission. A small portion of the information in your record is used for financial administration and is kept according to the legal requirement of 15 years. If I want to use your information for any other reason, I will discuss it with you and ask for your permission.
Privacy on the healthcare invoice
On the healthcare invoice that you receive, the data requested by the health insurance company is listed so that you can declare this invoice to your health insurance company:
● your name, address, and place of residence
● your date of birth
● the date of the treatment
● a brief description of the treatment, for example, ‘psychosocial consultation’
● the cost of the consultation
Do you have a question? Is something unclear to you? Would you like to make contact beforehand? Do you want to make an appointment for an introductory conversation?
You can fill in the contact form below and give me your phone number if you want me to email or call you back.